Ajoto Astronomical Stainless Steel Pen
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In a world of screens and technology, it is easy to forget to look up to the sky. We wanted to create an Edition that reminded us of this simple action and reflected the biggest source of inspiration we have, the stars in the sky.
"Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious." Stephen Hawking
Each Pen is encased in a military grade ceramic coating that is hand applied and baked in a kiln for extreme hardness. The result is a deep matte black finish with a texture of white speckles unique to every Pen.
- Weight 50 grams
- Length 136mm
- 0.7mm liquid ink rollerball refill
- Refills Made in Germany
- Pen Made in the UK
The Pen is presented in moulded cork gift packaging, with cardboard sleeve, using 100% sustainable materials.